
Senior Pictures 2011 – North Dakota Senior Pictures

Here are some of my favorites from some of our local senior boys, 2011.  We really do have some great teenagers around here!  Great athletes, musicians, artists and all around good kids – if I’m allowed to call them kids anymore.  I was honored to spend a little time with these guys, get to know them a little and wish them well with all the great things that are ahead for them in the future! Senior 2011Senior 2011Senior Boy Photos 2011


  1. Your senior work is good when you can get guys to relax and they just look so great in the photos! I’m sure their girlfriends love these!!!

  2. Such personality in these senior portraits! Great job and capturing him!

  3. Nice variety of senior poses! And what a great looking group of young men.

  4. Very nice images. I like the “natural” poses of the young gentlemen.

  5. What a great variety of senior portraits!

  6. Very nice! I love the way you incorporated their interests into their senior photos.

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